2013年1月26日 星期六

2013年1月20日 星期日




2013年1月18日 星期五

Running & Rushing for Men’s Tights


All you strong and handsome men out there need to know the way to women’s hearts these days is not sagging your baggy pants. Actually it is quite the opposite. This season the arrival of ‘meggings’ is making big thunder on the catwalks all around the world. Girls around the world are going mad for boys in tights and it is time to let you know it is no more a laughing matter.

Can you remember that once upon a time in enchanting Sherwood Forest, Robin Hood would rock a pair of tights? What a man, so generous, loving and kind, like a true gentleman should be like and another thing – all the women loved him. 
From that it progressed to all the superheroes such as Superman, Batman, Spider-man, etc. Women clung to them like leeches too, only really stunning women. Now, what is the common pattern we notice? All the heroic and majestic male goddesses from the beginning of time have been daring and dashing enough to wear these tights.
The fashion savvy male will know these are key to adding a look that would differentiate him from the rest, no cheap thrill.  It is sensuous for women may classify it as the new version of a Speedo – it takes courage to rock it. And because being manly is all about being bold and brave, only real men will be spunky enough to rock them! For instance, take my best friend Kevin, who has flair to pull-off almost anything that most, normal men fear. This guy should be everyone’s role model. As he walks into the room, women are allured by his persona brought across through his bright fashion tights. That’s what you call style! Check out the look he has stolen straight off the runway, bringing girls  to stick to him like bees stick to honey. 
Not only is this fashion a new way to look ‘macho’, it is also been hounded for by the biggest rock stars out there. These bad boys have no limits when it comes to their swanky style, because they know that it is all about thinking outside the box and being out-there with sophistication. 
Just because they are called tights, does not particularly mean they always need to be tight, although the women do love that. You can go for a more loose pair like Chris Brown, Lenny Kravitz and Justin Bieber or switch up the style with some baggy cut-offs over the top as Tyson Beckford likes to. Men need to get innovative with their fashion sense because how long are they going to keep repeating that monotonous costume that their grandfather and his ancestors did? It is time to become a new-age man now and get away from the caveman mentality that has imprisoned them and made them victims of fashion suicide.  Whoever thinks it is a laughable idea is trying to disguise insecurities by making a joke about high-fashion. Just because you do not support it, does not mean it looks cheap.

So men, go out and make a mark this New Year by giving women a chance to get a peek of your muscly legs. Give them something back for all they have been allowing you to view over the years!


2013年1月11日 星期五


我其實著短褲同襪褲(wearing tights with shorts)都有一段時間,講真大部份人都冇咩理我,特別係我老婆都好支持我。所以我希望多d人會主動表達自己既衣著喜好。We should be proud of how we want to dress up.

附上我既total look(個樣係唔重要!)同今日對Westwood tights:

2013年1月9日 星期三

Men Wearing Tights with Shorts

呢個website有好多相, 報導 fashion runways 上有關 Men Wearing Tights with Shorts...



Designer/Brand: agnès b

2013年1月8日 星期二


相信大家都認同, 黑色襪褲係冬天係最好襯, 但其實清一色黑色襪褲都會好沉悶...

我通常會著有少少pattern嘅黑色襪褲, 或者嘗試其他顏色/pattern嘅襪褲...


2013年1月7日 星期一


放假同老婆去左睇樓, 見到雜誌還以為係荀盤, 但最後發現廣告嘅價錢未有反映現時市況...

講緊嘅係大圍恆峰花園, 環境都幾好, 雖然遠離火車站. 上左其中一個單位, 發現原來景觀上可能會望見大圍原居民嘅祖墳.



2013年1月3日 星期四

LYCRA® Fusion fibre


Worth trying this very interesting pair of tights from Andrea Bucci which is made by LYCRA® Fusion fibre.



More information on  LYCRA® Fusion fibre:

LYCRA® Fusion fibre is based on a new patent-pending technology. This bi-component technology delivers fusibility with superior stress-strain performance functions helping to prevent runs whilst maintaining stretch and recovery benefits that are essential to the brand’s rich heritage. LYCRA® Fusion fibre:

• Helps make hosiery ladder resistant
• Improves the durability and wear life of legwear
• Delivers exceptional fit and maintains shape retention
• Can be adopted by hosiery makers on commercial machines and processes
• Provides a uniform appearance to hosiery
• Will be available from key brands next year

The launch is supported by a new LYCRA® fibre brand campaign developed by maria Werbeagentur GmbH (based in Hamburg) and photographed by Stephan Abry. A lady wearing LYCRA® Fusion fibre hosiery is surrounded by the motives “cactus” and “thorn roses” which represent beautiful natural scenery yet a potentially dangerous one. Denise Sakuma, segment director for legwear at INVISTA says: “We want to communicate this innovation beyond its performance of helping to prevent runs in hosiery, and bring it to an emotional level that directs a message to women: dangers are out there, yet they can feel confident and fearless thanks to LYCRA® Fusion fiber benefits”.

LYCRA® Fusion fibre hosiery is available in Spain, as well as, expectedly from A/W2010, from leading brands in France, Poland, Germany, Italy and Bielorus.

For more information, please download the recent LYCRA® Fusion fiber brochure, contact your INVISTA representative or send an e-mail to apparelinfo@INVISTA.com.

LYCRA® is a trademark of INVISTA.

PantyhoseTalk `大家一齊來體驗穿絲襪的好處!` - Powered by Discuz!

有冇去過  http://pantyhosetalk.ath.cx/  呢個 Discussion Board?  原來都有唔少 fans, 其中絲襪資料區個版主對各式各樣的絲襪十分有研究.

Support pantyhose as unisex fashion~

2013年1月2日 星期三


我咁鍾意襪褲,返工當然會都會著襪褲 :-) 夠鐘返工啦!

講開又講,twitter 都有好多die hard fans,我個a/c係 @ilovelegwear,我 follow 左一d  襪人。

Today's look

呢個就係我今日一look,簡單一條褲加對fashion tights。

順便一提,呢對tights係Westwood made by Fukuske。Fukuske (福助) 嘅tights係好好著 =D

2013年1月1日 星期二




王菀之白Look 被笑「白蘿蔔」

【明報專訊】憑《留白》獲頒歌曲獎第三位 ,她以全白色造型亮相,貼身裙配以白色絲襪,令一雙小腿顯得甚粗壯,被取笑如「白蘿蔔」。